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Figure 1.

G703 - E1 template


From the Fluke Digital Library @

TheG.703 standard

G.703 is a standard origi-

nally introduced for voice and

data transmission over digital

networks. It is an ITU recom-

mendation (formerly CCITT)

that’s associatedwith the PCM

standard. Analog-voice to digital-

data conversion according to

PCM requires a bandwidth of

64 kb/s (±100 ppm), resulting in

the basic unit forG.703. Through

multiplexing this results in a T1

of 1.544Mb/s and E1 of


The electrical characteristics

of the network interfaces are

described in recommendation

G.703. The signal limits for a

2.048Mb/s signal are shown in

Figure 1.


testing using two


A balun is used between the

patch panel and a coaxial

transmission line tomatch the

impedance of the 120



metrical line to a 75



line. The input and output of the

balun each has its specificmask.

The ScopeMeter 190 Series II

portable oscilloscopes can simul-

taneously perform a pass/fail test

at the input and output of the

balunwith differentmasks.

The floating and isolated

inputs of the Fluke ScopeMeter

190 Series II test toolsmake

thesemeasurements pos-

siblewithout the risk ofmaking

unwanted groundings.Moreover,

the high impedance probes allow

for directmeasurementswithout

loading the line andwithout the

need for an external differential


Testing telecommunication

equipment using Pass/Fail

mask testing with a Fluke



190 Series II

Editing the pass/fail


With FlukeViewwe can export

awaveform into a spreadsheet

and a custom template can be

created by editing awaveform

using Excel.

A reference template for

pass/fail testing can be cre-

ated by savingwaveforms from

FlukeView in .csv format and

editing thewaveform using, for

Figure 2.

ISDN30 network















Nowadays digital communication systems such as Synchronous

DigitalHierarchy (SDH) in Europe and the SynchronousOptical

Network (SONET) inNorthAmerica require standard testmethods.

The electrical signals are tested against the standard ITU pulse

masks. The Fluke ScopeMeter 190 Series II portable oscilloscope

offers a standard pass/fail function that can be used to perform

these tests. The instrument is capable of storing up to 100 “fails”

for further analysis.



drive anomalies

using theFluke 190Series II2-Channel




From the Fluke Digital Library @

Vogel, anHVAC technician,

becomes energizedwhen dis-

cussing the return on investment

in his handheld ScopeMeter


Test Tool. “Out at one large site,

wherewemonitor and trouble-

shoot variable frequency drives

(VFDs), component-level repair

can oftenmean the difference

between a $20 repair part and

a $100,000 repair bill. I know

firsthand, becausewe recently

documented that very scenario.”

On large VFDs, Vogel uses his

ScopeMeter portable oscilloscope

to uncover capacitance problems,

transistor firingmishaps, and

even bleed-throughs on a gate.

“Of course, a transistor is basi-

cally a lightning-fast switch,”

he says. “It switches back and


between op

en and closed,

and itcan sometimes start to

break down.When that happens,

motorswill start doingweird

things. For example, at load

stagewe’ll actually see

themotor banging back and

forth as if it is not surewhich

way to turn.”

Seeing is believing?More aptly, seeing is


If anyone canwring every last ounce of functionality out

of a piece of electronic test equipment, it’sChris Vogel.

At SiemensBuilding Technologies, Vogel has hiswork cut

out for him keepingHVAC systems running for the com-

pany’s large commercial customers in Florida’s tropical

weather,which ismarked by seemingly nonstop 90 °F

temperatures and 95% humidity levels.And that’s just

one of the challenges faced by technicians at Siemens

Building Technologies,which plays amore sweeping role

in its customers’ success: ensuring energy efficiency,

comfort, protection against unauthorized access, and

fire safety year-round for every building or office tower

entrusted to it by customers.

Storing a slice of time

It’s important, says Vogel,

that the technician be able to

characterize VFD problems by

capturing awaveform from the

offending drive.His premise: A

signal ismuchmore tellingwhen

presented in awaveform view

than in a single, static volt-

age reading. The signal has a

shape and value thatmay look

right at a glance, but could just

as easily have a distortion or

rough “edge,” or amomentary

spike almost too short to be

seen. Either problem, or a host

of other signal anomalies,would

be indistinguishablewith just a

numeric reading of the signal.

“The scope allowsme to

record information, and from a

number of sources—sinewaves

on the inputs and outputs of

VFDs, current and voltage—and,

for thatmatter,make compari-

sons of current and voltage so

that I can derive a power factor

for the circuit.”



Technician forSiemensBuilding






Measuring tools:

190 Series II






Currentand voltage

waveform analysis, power factor

Connect the ScopeMeter

test tool and view the

result: the start of every


It frequently happens that service

engineers have to spend a lot of

time adjusting theirmeasuring

device such as a portabl oscil-

loscope for an optimal setting.

Valuable time is spent completing

this set up, and ideally, this could

be done automatically.

With the introduction of the

new ScopeMeter 190 Series II,

Fluke has revamped its unique

feature, Connect andView.

Scope users know how dif-

ficult triggering can be.Wrong

settings show unstable and

sometimeswrong results. Fluke’s

unique Connect andView

recognizes signalpatterns, and

automatically sets up correct

riggering, attenuator and time

base settings. Switcing on the

ScopeMeter portable oscilloscope

to display correct signal patterns

only takes a couple of seconds,

and this is exactlywhat an


Settings regarding









are automatically detected and

adjusted, followed by display-

ing the signal in the correct atio

with respect to the horizontal

and vertical axis.At least 1.5

t 4 perids of the signal are

measured before the pattern is


Connect andView provides

a stable, reliable and repeat-

able display of virtually any

signal, includingmotor drive and

controlsignals,without touch-

ing a button. Signal changs are

instantly recognized and settings

adjusted for, once again, a stable

display. This is all done auto-

matically, butmanual overruling

is still possible. Ifmanual over-

ruling is needed, the ScopeMeter

190Serieswill switch frm auto-

matic to 1/2 automatic,w ch is

visible on the display.

Figure 1 gives an example of

the diffrent ypes ofwaveforms

which can de detected by

Connect&View. If required the

criteria for best settings can be

optimizd by switching on one or

all of the following options:


Automatic trigger


From the Fluke Digital Library @



AC/DC coupling


Glitch detect

Figure 2 shows the different






Oscilloscopes 190 Series II

Application driven

Find problems in industrial systems including:

• Circuit voltage/current overloading

• Attenuation/input impedance mismatch

• Signal fluctuation/drift

• Conditioning circuits signal integrity

• Test point verification for critical signals

• Input/output/feedback timing issues

• Induced noise and disturbances

• Random shutdowns/reset

Diagnose VFDs* or power inverters

and converters

• Harmonics, transients and loads in three phase power input

• Troubleshoot dc to ac converters for faulty control circuits or

output IGBT gate stages

• Cable interface - test PWM output for reflections

and transients

• Vpwm measurement to measure the effective voltage on

drive outputs

• Determine V/Hz ratio to find outif that fits the specification

of the motor.

Applications made visible with

a simple push of a button.

Vpwm measurements

The output signal of a VFD is very complex. When selecting the

Vpwm function, the ScopeMeter automatically switches over to

a dedicated piece of software which is capable of analyzing the


Volt/Herz ratio measurements

The output torque for a motor is determined on the basis of the

ratio of the motor’s applied voltage and frequency, known as

the Volts per Hertz (V/Hz) ratio. Failure to maintain the proper

ratio will have influences on the motor torque, the speed of

the shaft and the motor noise. Next to that the motor will

draw more current leading to an increased temperature. For a

motor to produce its rated torque at variable speeds, it also is

necessary to control the voltage and frequency supplied to the

motor. A VFD maintains a preset V/Hz ratio in supplying power

to a motor at the variable speeds. This critical V/Hz ratio can be

monitored by a special function which is part of the readings.

Power measurements

With today’s fluctuations on the power grid it is important

to get detailed information about parameters such as Power

Factor, VA and VA reactive. The ScopeMeter can measure these

factors with a push of the button.

A range of application notes is available.

See the Fluke website.

Included Accessories

Fluke 190 Series II 4-channel instruments include

a set of four probes, hanging strap, handstrap, USB

cable with mini-B connector, double capacity Li-ion

battery BP291, battery charger/power adapter BC190,

a FlukeView demo package and users manuals on


The 2-channel models come with two probes plus a

set of TL175 test leads and a single capacity battery


The 190-504 also includes 4 pcs TRM50 coaxial

feedthrough terminator.

Ordering Information


Color ScopeMeter (500 MHz, 4 channel)

Fluke-190-504/S Color ScopeMeter (500 MHz, 4 channel),

with SCC290-kit


Color ScopeMeter (500MHz, 2 Channel)

Fluke190-502/S Color ScopeMeter (500MHz, 2 Channel),

with SCC290-kit

Fluke-190-204 Color ScopeMeter (200 MHz, 4 channel)

Fluke-190-204/S Color ScopeMeter (200 MHz, 4 channel),

with SCC290-kit

Fluke-190-202 Color ScopeMeter (200 MHz, 2 channel)

Fluke-190-202/S Color ScopeMeter (200 MHz, 2 channel),

with SCC290-kit

Fluke-190-104 Color ScopeMeter (100 MHz, 4 channel)

Fluke-190-104/S Color ScopeMeter (100 MHz, 4 channel),

with SCC290-kit


Color ScopeMeter (100 MHz, 2 channel)

Fluke-190-102/S Color ScopeMeter (100 MHz, 2 channel),

with SCC290-kit

Fluke-190-062 Color ScopeMeter (60 MHz, 2 channel)

Fluke-190-062/S Color ScopeMeter (60 MHz, 2 channel),

with SCC290-kit

For all optional accessories for the Fluke 190 Series, see page 102